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Take control of your finances

We had shares and investments we’d accumulated over the years, but we were so busy with our business that we didn’t have time to deal with the paperwork or understand what we should be investing next.


We worried we were losing control. We had profits from the business, but didn’t think we were investing in the right areas. We also worried that we were paying too much tax.

We sought advice from Bluecoat Wealth Management, as Simon had met Robin through a business networking group that they had helped to establish.


They explained their Financial Planning process and how they could help us to take back control. Consolidating our investments into the one place would simplify our affairs and ensure we made use of our annual taxation allowances.


At the Discovery Meeting we established what was most important to us. We want to pass our wealth onto our children and eventually help them onto the property ladder. We worry about Inheritance Tax and how we can structure our investments to minimise our liability.


Bluecoat created a plan for how we could consolidate our investments and remove unnecessary risk.

Business Meeting

We discussed our various options and how we could structure our portfolio to regain control and minimise our tax bill. After agreeing the way forward we put the pan into action.


Now we have a single consolidated portfolio with online account access 24x7. Instead of the mountain of paperwork, we receive one tax statement each year outlining all of our dividends.


We meet with Bluecoat once per year to review our financial affairs and decide where to invest our Company dividend.


Finally we feel like we’re back in control: of our finances and our destiny. We’ve decided to pursue a less lucrative but more enjoyable line of business. That means more time with the kids and less stress. We’re really looking forward to the future.

“Our investments were scattered all over the place and we were daunted by the mountain of paperwork. We now have a single view of our investments and feel like we’re finally back in control.”

Simon and Georgina

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© 2023 Bluecoat Wealth Management

Decisions should not be taken based solely on the content of this website, individual advice should be taken first. Content is aimed at UK residents.

Bluecoat Wealth Management is an appointed representative of Best Practice IFA Group, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), FCA no. 223112. Registered Office: 11 Lady Bee Enterprise Centre, Albion Street, Southwick BN42 4BW. Registered in England and Wales no. 6828686. The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) is available to sort out individual complaints that financial services businesses and their clients are unable to resolve. To contact FOS please visit

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