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Bluecoat in the community

This year has been tough on nearly everyone in society, from those who have become seriously ill due to COVID, those who have struggled with social isolation and the dramatic effect that the whole country has felt economically.

As a society, we have been blessed with a high level of support from the government, and we have also banned together locally to help those in need. Whether that was by clapping at 8pm every Thursday for the NHS, helping our neighbours with their shopping, supporting Captain Sir Thomas Moore or sewing PPE in our living rooms. We have all banned together in this time of crises.

Bluecoat is involved in a number of different charity events every year, I have decided to show our support to Chestnut Tree House Children's Hospice this summer and raise funds to help them provide their valuable services.

Chestnut Tree House is a children’s charity providing hospice care services and community support for children and young people with progressive life-shortening conditions in East and West Sussex and South East Hampshire.

From special days out, to a normal day at home, they help children and their families make the most of every moment together.

Special outings to the beach, the woods or the park. The chance to experience the wonder of weightlessness in a hydrotherapy pool. Time for parents to just be parents, and not carers. Time to say goodbye.

Chestnut Tree House Children's hospice is a more than worthy cause to raise money for and I have set myself the challenge of completing 5000 press ups in 12 hrs. Which equates to one press up every 8.6 seconds. It is a challenge I expect to push me to my mental and physical limits, but hopefully, the drive of raising money for such an amazing cause will push me through. So if you can, please show your support by clicking on the link and sponsoring me.

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