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Gemma Blake joins Bluecoat

After travelling to London from Australia in 2003, I retired my backpack replacing it with a more stable career choice. Initially my travel agent background lined up a role in Credit Swiss within the in-house travel department. Soon however my skills progressed and I moved across London to Deutsche Bank. Over 9 years here, I learnt so much and enjoyed organising the in-house conferences working as an Executive assistant in the London and New York offices. In 2015 I finished this role as an Associate in the COO Business Management team in London.

After this role I worked at CAPRA Global Partners who are Real Estate Capital advisors in Soho. The team were fantastic and in my role as Executive Assistant I learnt a lot about managing an office including back office accounts.

I now have a very active family and in 2018 we moved from London to Hove to be back by the sea. The move has been great for us enjoying paddle boarding at the weekends and walks in the South Downs.

I am very excited to have joined the Bluecoat Wealth Management team with my new role in Client Relations. I look forward to meeting all our clients over the coming months and working with the team.

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