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Tell HMRC about pension contributions for the last tax year & year-end tax planning tipsIf

If you are taxed under PAYE (employed) and that is your only income, it is unlikely that HMRC requires you to complete a tax return.

While that is good news, if you are a higher-rate taxpayer making pension contributions to your own pension, you should inform HMRC about those pension contributions to receive higher-rate income tax relief. In other words, for every £80 net you have contributed, your tax bill will be reduced by at least £20.

If you want to receive the higher-rate relief quickly, we recommend submitting an online tax return. Otherwise, simply write to HMRC quoting your National Insurance Number, detailing the gross contributions paid. It will help to enclose a Contribution Certificate from your pension provider.

Other things that you may consider as part of your tax planning as 5th April approaches are;

  • Additional Pension contributions If you are likely to be a higher rate taxpayer in the current tax year, and especially if your income will be between £100,000 and £125,140, consider making additional contributions while higher rate relief remains available. Many commentators expect higher rate relief to be abolished and replaced with a flat rate for everyone at some stage.

  • Capital gains tax. The relative tax treatment of capital gains and income has been highlighted by several parties during the election campaign. The current regime, with an annual exemption of £12,300 and a maximum tax rate of just 20% (other than for residential property and carried interest), is generous. If you have not yet used your 2021/22 annual exemption, doing so sooner rather than later seems a sensible course of action.

  • ISAs A few years ago, there was talk of capping ISA contributions. With ISAs now costing over £3bn in lost income tax according to the latest HMRC figures, such Treasury brainstorming could reappear. Again, if you have not topped up your 2020/21 contributions, now is the time to act.

  • VCTs & EiS. For higher earners prepared to accept additional risk, these can be very useful, although advice is essential for these complex products.

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